I meet so many clients who are stuck in their own story, stuck in the past, going over all the mistakes they feel they have made!
They are allowing their mind chatter take over as they put all their energies into focusing on what went wrong and let’s be honest, we all make mistakes and bad choices in the course of our lives. Nobody deliberately sets out to cause themselves grief, stress, and anxiety through actions they take.
It only afterwards that we realise we made the wrong decision or action.
By spending time focusing on our past failures and mistakes we become paralyzed in making other decisions which result in us become stuck.
The first thing we need to do is forgive ourselves for the past, what is done is done and we can’t change the past.
What is important is to understand what we can learn from the lesson.
When we focus on the lesson we change all the negative energy that blocks us from moving ahead and developing into our full potential of wisdom and personal growth.
Today make the choice to focus on the lessons of life and forget the mistakes.